It's all gone a bit cattywampus

I've decided to keep a blog, well, for me more of an online journal. Somewhere I can actually come back and easily check what I've been writing (I do keep a sort of journal but it's very stream of consciousness, and I don't go back and look it at, so things get buried)

So why do this? I'm trying to make sense of lots of things that are health and body related, and my own reactions to them. There are things I know and things I know if that makes sense. There is often a mismatch between my head and my body that really isn't healthy.

I have resolved to have a lifestyle that is healthy and sustainable, not an unreasonable desire. It can seem so much complicated than that. There are so many mixed messages about diet, for example, about what we should and should eat, and it all changes so quickly, it's hard to keep on top of it. I'd like to think all that through. And then there's the thorny issue of exercise. So what I plan on doing on here is to write down my feelings about both diet and exercise; the implications and the challenges. All the stuff I mull over in my journal but somewhere clear and easy to find. I'd like to set myself some challenges for both food and exercise, and write down how I'm feeling about them. Also, I'd like to add a visual dimension too - photos, maybe some cartoons.


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